hello!earth laboratories on site specific performative travels

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“Reality Gaps” -a series of laboratories in 2008/2009 in relation to
Copenhagen International Theatre`s Metropolis Biennale (www.cph-metropolis.dk) Welcome!

"Reality Gaps " is a series of laboratories that build on the practice explored in work based on the concept “The Invisible Reality Shows*.
The laboratories will be concerned with audience sensitive approaches, framing and contextualizing life in public space, the relation of virtual presence and physical presence and to develop social sensitive spaces and neighbourhood involvement as part of the artistic practice.

Lab in 2008 : July 3rd to 18th, September 1st –sept 7th
on Nørrebro and Ørsted, Copenhagen

Open lab from July 3 to 5- contact us if you want to participate!

artists involved: Boaz Barkan (movement/dance), Daniel Belasco Rogers (visual art, locative media) Jakob Brandt Pedersen (sound), Jacob Langaa Sennek (visual elements), Fernando Barrajon ( multi media, interactive design), Zeenath Hasan (multi media), Vera Maeder (performance artist/theater)

some questions on physical and virtual/data presence

how to surface the virtual information floating in a city?

how does this kind of information effect our experience? our experience of place?

how does it influence and shape our behaviour and decision making?

what is the presence of this information?

what are the traces of virtual information?

how is virtual information contributing to our experience of " reality"?

how does it effect our physical experience?

when does information inform information and what happens to our physical presence in that process?

some questions on social sensitive spaces

How to frame spaces/ situations that create direct sensitive meeting?

What things can people gather around and do together?

What actions initiate a space of “we”?

When do we get challenged in notions of “me” and “other”? What allows opening a space in between?

How to make people meet as quickly and unconditioned as small children?

What would people want to voice or do, but have no frame for that?

How does “virtuality” allow us to voice things- , be the trigger for building such spaces?

How to challenge physicality in such virtually initiated spaces?

What do we do, really!


Activating the city space trough the experience of each individual audience, without adding physical objects or changing the actual physical space.

To be aware of, and highlight our endless potentials that each one is carrying each moment

and realize that we not depend on someone activating us but ourselves.

To realize that we are able to claim and use every single square inch of the public space by turning awareness to our presence in this moment.

To re-unite with our surroundings and not feel detached from them. And to open up for spaces , where ways of interacting and relating to the in-between continously is reinventing itself .

Sunday 31 August 2008


Capturing the non physical influences in daily life in material is exciting.

Relating to other people with mobile phones is exciting.

It is exiting to be contacted, to get a phone call, a sms. The joy of being talked to, the joy that somebody turns the attention to you as her or she is for example singing a song for you in the phone.

The distance, the anonymity – the person is far way, there is no big risk involved. The potential of that space, from imagined person to a person physically present.

I walk down the street, receive a call , and somebody is singing a song for me. The voice comes closer, suddenly I hear it right beside me, the he is, the person is singing, right beside me, through the phone, and on the street.

he walks faster, walks by me, dissapears on a big square. he has no body , his body is gone, as I listen to the intimate song through the phone, right into my ear, and see him dissappear on the square.

The ghost like experiences of perceiving a person altering in direct contact and through mediated space.

The ghosts like experience, the absence present all day around, just more blurred, not made so explicit available as in some of the set ups we tested.

The virutality of space, as sounds or information of spaces overlay.

The virutality of our own minds, as they react on memory, imagination, and mash ups of different combinations of present sensory experience and other factors, often without being aware.

Turning towards and evolving in the myth of reality, the myth of a city, that is asleep inside our cells, embedded in our dreams and has a hope, a curiousity to wake up.

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